In order to properly learn and use JavaScript you should have an understanding of HTML.
The more HTML you know the better you will be able to use JavaScript. You can implement
JavaScript with a casual knowlege of HTML. JavaScript allows you to create "active" web
pages without knowing alot of programming or having access to a CGI bin. HTML is
technically not a programming language. HTML pages are "stateless," meaning what
you see is what you get and there is no interation. JavaScript, imbeded within HTML, makes
web pages user interfaces and portals for sending and receiving data. If you are even
remotely familiar with C, Basic or any other programming language, JavaScript will be a
snap. When first learning JavaScript the most common mistake is putting the script
in the wrong part of the HTML code.
A great way to learn HTML is to view the page source of other websites. To do this, right-click in the
broswer window and select "View Source."
JavaScript may be placed in the body of a web page, in the header or in a seperate file. When in the BODY or
HEAD it should be inside SCRIPT tags and be sure to specify LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT since the default
language of many browsers is VBScript. Examples:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> Script goes here
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> Script goes here
To call from a seperate file, place you script in a file with the extension .JS for JavaScript, example:
someScript.js. Then, from within an HTML document:
<SCRIPT SRC="someScript.js">
Keep in mind that you must use the exact location of the file here. If it is out on the web somewhere, use
the URL:
POST and GET are methods that follow "METHOD=" in the
FORM tag. They determine the way data is passed from a form.
The main difference between POST and GET methods are that form values
are displayed in the URL line if you use a GET and hidden if you use
POST. The GET method is useful error checking since the field
values are visible. The default value is GET.
The point of a web form is to accept values and pass them somewhere
else to be processed. There are different types form fields: checkboxes,
radio buttons, drop-down lists, comment boxes and text boxes. The
fields are created with HTML tags. The tags can have several attributes,
depending on the type of field. The most important attibute is "VALUE."
For example, if you enter your age as 24 in a field on a form, the
VALUE for that field is equal to 24. If the name of that field is
"age", "age=24" would be passed from the form.
Change Button
The words displayed on a form action button is a value. The value can be changed.
Enter a new button name and click the button.
This is done using the built-in JavaScript function onClick. Within the button
tag, the value of the button is changed the value of the field.
Copy Field Value
Values may be copied from one form field to another. Enter a value in the first field
and click the button.
This is done using the built-in JavaScript function onClick. Within the button
tag, the value of the second field is changed the value of the first field.
Click here for the source(s)
Let's face it, people are lazy when they fill-out forms. We have to make
sure they fill in all required information, don't put their name
where they are supposed to put their phone number, etc.
This one only checks to see if there is a value in the field, others
can check to see if the value is the right type or format. This form
passes the field values to a function which checks to see if they are blank.
Radio buttons:
ABC can
be a real pain in the neck if you don't understand that they are treated as
arrays by
functions. The way that radio button values are passed is different from
other form input types. For example, if you had this set of three radio buttons:
You might think that you could do this in a function:
Technically, all three radio buttons are part of the same piece
of input because they are all named "q1". Selecting a radio button
option makes it "true", not selecting it makes it "false." Becuase
value="a" is the first radio button in the
array it
is q1[0], value="b" is q1[1], value="c" is q1[2]. Arrays start with zero,
the number in the [ ] is called an index.
Let's say people enter their user ID on a web page and that
the user ID is the same as their email. So to save time
you want to add the '' onto the end of the ID
they enter.
Another example would be area codes.
These both use the onClick method placed in the button tag. onClick="this.form.fieldname.value=this.form.fieldname.value
+ 'extra value'"
Specifically: for the email one:onClick="this.form.userid.value=this.form.userid.value + ''" for the the area code one:onClick="'212-' +"
Change one character in a string
This function replaces a "@" with a "." in a string
using the charAt() function to determine the chararcter
position and then goes through
the string baclwards to build the new string. This could
be done with a for loop, using var i in the charAt(i)
but the literal numbers are used to make it clear.
function insertChar(){
var result;
result = '';
result = document.formName.inputVal.value.charAt(5);
result = document.formName.inputVal.value.charAt(4) + result;
result = document.formName.inputVal.value.charAt(3) + result;
result = "." + result;
result = document.formName.inputVal.value.value.charAt(1) + result;
result = document.formName.inputVal.value.value.charAt(0) + result;
Reverse a string
The code for reversing a string is part of the code above, here
is the for loop that does it:
for(var i = myString.length; i >= 0; i--){
revString = revString + myString.charAt(i);
Hide/UnHide Form Fields
This can actually be used to hide or reveal any section
of an HTML page, but I usually use to hide "extra" input
fields on a form in case a user might need them. This uses
the HTML DIV tag to mark sections.
Important: the DIV tag might not work in
Page Redirects
This is great for forwarding users to a new
page or site when the old one has been moved.
Put this in the HEAD portion of the HTML
between SCRIPT tags(SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript) to
send users to a new site:
function redirect(){
window.location = ""
Then, inside the BODY tag:
OnLoad="redirect()" OR
To simply a new page:
function redirect(){
window.location = "newpage.html"
Then, inside the BODY tag:
Whatever you do, don't set a page to redirect to itself.
You may have a form auto-submit based on an entry
in a field, a selection from a drop-down list, a checkbox being
checked, etc...
Place this in the HEAD of your HTML between SCRIPT tags:
function autoSubmit(){
Then place some code inside the from input tags to trigger
the function(remember, this will work if you form is called "form,"
if it has another name put that name in the function): OnClick="autoSubmit()" or
OnBlur="autoSubmit()"Assigning values to variables
A variable is a kind of placeholder for values you want to use. In JavaScript, use
the keyword var to create variables(or "declare" variables). Examples:
In general a function is a seperate section of code that manipulates data sent to it and then
returns it to the main program. Functions in JavaScript can be identified by the keyword
function followed by a function name of your choosing. Try and use function names
tha describe what the function does. Example:
function times12(x){
return x * 12;
The prceeding function is called times12, accepts some value "x" and then returns that value that value
multiplied by 12. A function is kind of like a restauran kitchen. A waiter delivers an order on paper to
the kitchen. The kitchen returns a cooked meal to the waiter for delivery to the customer. The waiter
does not know or need to know what goes on in the kitchen, and neither does the customer.
To call this from somewhere, use code like this:
If properly coded, "60" should be printed as 5 is sent to times12() and then returned. Or, something
like this:
JavaScript comes with many great functions that can
be called from within your scripts
Events occur when something happens on a page
or form
onSubmit calls an event or function when a form is submitted.
This is very uselful for validation since
onSubmit can call a function which checks form values and return false
if the form is not formatted properly which keeps the form from submitting.
onSubmit is usually placed within the FORM tag or within the tag for the
SUBMIT button. It is used with the = sign. Example:
<FORM NAME=myForm onSubmit="return isValid()">
onClick is similar to onSubmit but can be used on any
INPUT field when the field is clicked on. This could be a button,
checkbox, etc. Example:
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Click Me" onClick="alert('You clicked a button');">
onBlur oddly named, it calls an action or function when a user moves away
from an input field. Example:
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=50 VALUE="Click here, move away and click somewhere else" onBlur="alert('You moved away');">
onChange works like it looks like it might, when you change an input
value it calls an action or function. Example:
Un-check this box then click somewhere.