LISP - List Processing Language, also Clisp for "Common Lisp"
Introduction to Lisp and Lisp Concepts
Download Lisp Interpreters
Using an interpreter
Lisp Keywords and Built-in Functions & Macros
General Primatives
Arithmetic Operators
Code and Programs
Links and Resources
Introduction to Lisp
Lisp is the favored language for developing Artificial
Intelligence(AI) because of its recursive properties
and built-in functions for creating, processing and manipulating nested lists.
This, however, is not a discussion of AI.
This is purely a tutorial for the Lisp language.
For information on Artificial Intelligence, click
For those used to programming in C based languages,
Lisp can be pretty confusing. For those who have
never programmed before it will take some understanding
of basic programming concepts before it will make sense.
But fear not! I actually encourage novice and non-programmers
to try Lisp, for the main reason that it is not
necessary to write full-blown programs right away and there
is no compiling or linking! Compiling, linking an
debugging can be very frustrating to new programmers.
Lisp has few or none of these pitfalls.
The Parentheses ( )
Parentheses are the basic building blocks of Lisp. All Lisp scripts, functions and operations
take place within parentheses. Complete funcitons have a matching number of open and closed parentheses.
Complete: (CAR '(A B))
Not Complete: (CAR '(A B)
The Quote '
The single-quote character separates what is being evaluated and the procedure. For example
(CAR '(A B C))
is asking what the first element of the list A, B and C which is A.
Without the single-quote the interpreter will think A, B, and C are procedures and return an error
unless they are defined. This can be a difficult concept to grasp at first, this of it this way: in an
English sentance might be structured DO SOMETHING TO THIS THING, the single quote is like the TO
without it, we are saying DO SOMETHING DO SOMETHING with no noun, just verbs. The DO SOMETHING
in this case is the CAR procedure and the and the THIS THING is our list (A B C). With regular
use, the single-quote will become a simpler concept.
Symbolic-Expressions or just expressions. This is what we do to and with the
atoms and lists.
Strings, numbers, etc. The basic units within
() Link ATOMS and create lists
(A B C) is a list of ATOMS
((A B) (B) C (D E F)) LIST of LISTs and ATOMs
() The empty LIST or "NIL"
The Lisp Interpreter
Getting an interpreter
The first thing you will need is a Lisp interpreter, which can be downloaded free from these sites*:
Not all downloads are self-extracting, you may need WinZip
Allegro CL 6.2(registration required)
LispWorks(registration required)
CLisp, multiple versions
Visual CLisp
If you are using a PalmPilot, get LispMe. Available with O'Reilly's PalmPilot Book,
or from Fred Bayers' Page
*If you are working with UNIX or LINUX, you already have a Lisp interpreter called "clisp"
Using the interpreter
Most of these interpreters will have a "Visual Studio" with lots of buttons and useless stuff
for creating applications, we don't want that right now, we want the command-line environment
which is usually labeled: "Lisp Only" or something. You'll know when you open it if it is the right one.
Lisp interpreters are not like other coding environments. Start up an interpreter and you will be
greeted with a prompt. They differ widely, here are some examples:
- >
Lisp >
Regardless, they all work in similar ways. Enter a statement or function at the prompt, hit < enter >
and your code will be evaluated.
Test it, by entering the following: As this is the Lisp expression
for adding 1 and 1 it should evaluate to 2.
Lisp statements are only complete when all the sets of parenthesis
are closed or "matched." That is, (NIL) is complete statement, (NIL is not. (SETQ A '(1 2 3)) is complete statement, (SETQ A '(1 2 3)
is not. Forgetting to put the first open paren will produce an error. Extra closed parens at the end
of a statement will be ignored by the evaluator, but extra close parens usually means that there is a mistake
somewhere in your code!
Lisp Built-in Functions
full alphabetized list
Takes the first element of list
Answer ONE
Remove the first element of list
Assigns values:
Associates a list with a list name:
Prints list item(s)
Evaluates and expression:
Merges lists
(APPEND `((A B)(C D)))
Answer (A B C D)
Makes a new list of several lists
(LIST `((A B)(C D)))
Answer ((A B)(C D))
Adds a new first element to a list
(CONS `A (Q Z))
Answer (A Q Z)
Tests an argument to see if it is an atom
(ATOM `(A B C D))
Answer NIL
Answer T
Tests an argument to see if it is a list
(LISP `(A B C D))
Answer T
Answer NIL
Tests to see if an argument is an empty list
(NULL '())
Answer T
(NULL '(A B C))
Answer NIL
Tests to see if an ATOM is a member of a list.
Universal false.
Boolean response for "false"
Universal true.
Boolean response for "true"
Creates user defined functions
(DEFUN ADD2 (x y) (+ x y))
Creates a function called ADD2 that takes two parameters
x and y and adds them. To use:
(ADD2 3 4)
Answer 7
ABS - Absolute Value
(ABS -5)
EXPT - Calculates Powers
(EXPT 3 2)
SQRT - Square Root
(SQRT 16)
MAX - Largest number in sequence
(MAX 2 5 6)
MIN - Smallest number in sequence
(MIN 2 5 6)
COND - Condition
(COND (test result))
Loading a saved script into the interpreter.
Some interpreters have trouble with pathnames or have
custom pathname commands, so put you file in the working directory
of the interpreter until you figure out how your interpreter finds
files. Besides being interpreter dependent, it is also OS dependent,
as Windows, UNIX, MAC, VAX, etc. all have different path specs.
Save your files as .l, .cl or .lisp(there are other variations, too many, if one doesn't work try the other)
Many interpreters will come with sample code, look at those file extensions.
Then type these commands:
If you wrote a function for calculating cubes called type:
In lisp the operator is first and the values are listed after.
+ Addition.
(+ 5 5)
- Subtraction.
(- 10 3)
/ Division.
(/ 25 5)
* Multiplication.
(* 5 5)
Sample Functions & Programs
Function for calculating a cube
(defun cube (num)
(* num (* num num)))
Compares two lists and returns T if the first list is longer than the second
(defun two-lists (list1 list2)
(< (length list1) (length list2)))
Function tests to see if the argument is negative
(defun negativep (num)
(not (> num 0)))
Checks a list to see if contains only atoms and not lists
(defun only-atoms (listx)
(cond ((null listx) t)
((atom listx) 2)
((atom (first listx)) (only-atoms (rest listx)))
(nil (+ 1 (only-atoms (first listx))
(only-atoms (rest listx))))))
Creates a function for calculating powers
(defun expon (base powr)
(cond ((zerop powr) 1)
((evenp powr) (expon (* base base ) (truncate powr 2)))
(t (* base (expon (* base base) (truncate powr 2))))))
This function makes a single list out sublists
(defun squash (list1)
(cond ((null list1) nil)
((atom list1) (list list1))
(t (append (squash (car list1))
(squash (cdr list1))))))
This function counts the number of times an atom appears in a list.
Note that it calls SQUASH. So, SQUASH must be evaluated first.
(defun count-it (itemx listx)
(setq listx (squash listx))
(cond ((null listx) '0)
((atom listx) '0)
((cond ((not (equal itemx (car listx))) (count-it itemx (cdr listx)))
(t (1+ (count-it itemx (cdr listx))))))))
Database interface
The main function (DB) calls other functions and calls for user interaction.
These are all loaded and evaluated seperately. When they are all entered into the
interpreter, call (DB) to begin the process.
Creates the database as an empty list.
Creates the main (DB) function and starts the user interface loop.
(defun db ()
(princ "Enter (a, r, q):")
(let ((in (read)))
(if (equal in 'q) (return 'done))
(if (equal in 'r) (retrieve))
(if (equal in 'a) (add)))))
Creates the function and interface for adding to the database.
(defun add ()
(princ "Enter user-data pair: ")
(let ((in (read)))
(setq database (append database (list in)))))
Creates the interface and function for retrieving data.
(defun retrieve ()
(princ "Enter user: ")
(let ((in (read)))
(prin1 (cdr (assoc in database)))
Code Samples (Not all have been tested!)
Links updated and verified 08.02.05
On-Line Books
Artificial Intelligence
Turing Programming Language
The semantics of destructive Lisp
Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation
On Lisp
Practical Common Lisp
Successful Lisp
Programming in Emacs Lisp - Association of Lisp Users
Planet Lisp
Lisp On-Line
Lisp at
Interactive Lisp Tutorial
Cliki - Lisp-like markup
Lisp Overview
A Lisp "Primer" Tutorial
A classic Resolution Theorem
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Using LispWorks
emacs lisp
Lisp for C++ programmers
On-line lisp book
Esoteric programming language
ViLi (Vision LISP)
The Elements of Artificial Intelligence Using Common Lisp, Second Edition: Lisp Programs
Alpha Beta MiniMax Search, By Mark Kantrowitz
The Main AI Languages
Logic Programming